Friday, August 28, 2020

Developing Appropriate Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Creating Appropriate Training - Essay Example The significance of preparing in present day hierarchical arrangement can be acknowledged from the way that all the associations, regardless of whether little or huge, dispense an extensive level of their yearly financial plan to prepare and advancement, understanding its commitment in making their business forms increasingly powerful and productive. As the situation demonstrates, the staff working in the association continues disregarding the guidelines given by Jim Delaney, the leader of Apex Doors. They generally attempt to carry out the responsibility their own specific manner and overlook their leader's directions that intend to make the business forms increasingly viable and productive. Thus, the association needs to confront various issues. The first as featured by this situation is the non coordinated working. This likewise brings about the advancement of the item not quite the same as the one wanted. Besides, neglecting to follow the rules of plan office, an extra expense on every unit delivered is likewise an extra weight to the association, decreasing their net revenue. The situation further uncovers that there are various provisos in the preparation procedure of the association. For instance, the sets of expectations are, much of the time, missing, the instructional booklets essentially don't exist, there are no conventional techniques of preparing the new inductees and so forth. Examination OF THE PROBLEM After a careful examination of the circumstance, the fundamental issue that is recognized is absence of appropriate preparing. The best possible preparing forms in the associations ought to be sorted out so as to overcome any issues between what the President needs his staff to do and what the staff at present does. What really Jim needs for this situation is to give the hierarchical culture and the accepted procedures of the association to the staff of the association, particularly the new inductees, with the goal that a consistency can be guarantees over all the offices, across various timeframes and paying little mind to the way that who is working and who is leaving. The preparation will in this manner help in accomplishing these targets. In spite of the fact that, there exists an alleged 'preparing' framework in the association, yet it isn't successful because of its number of shortcomings. Above all else: There are no instructional pamphlets The way toward giving over isn't so well No fixed system for the preparation of the new Inductees No Job Description accessible Review OF INTERVENTION The prescribed answer for this issue is as per the following: Present a formal and sorted out preparing program for new inductees, which each new inductee ought to experience. Build up an instructional pamphlet for every one of the assignment Give separate expertise based preparing to all the workers, as per their employments Give a joined preparing identified with the particular authoritative culture of the association. Build up a set of working responsibilities which likewise obviously expresses the connection of their undertaking to different offices Present the ideas of information the executives. This implies the prescribed procedures ought to stay in the association, regardless of whether the professional of those accepted procedures leaves the association. This should be possible by putting away those best practi

Saturday, August 22, 2020

the body essays

the body articles The story was composed from the perspective of an adult individual that took a section in the story when he was a youngster. Gordy enlighten us concerning his experience with his bodys on a pursuit after a father body. The mission is to discover the body of a dead men that be run over via train. As I would see it each one went to this strategic his very own crucial Gordy - needed to perceive how a father body resembles, in light of the fact that he didnt acknowledge his sibling's passing, after this occasion Gordy felt like nobody cherishes him anything else in the family and he needed to demonstrate his dad that he is in the same class as his sibling was. Warren - he enlightened to his companion all regarding the dead body and sagest that every one of them will go to discover it. He needed to demonstrate to his sibling that he is tantamount to him. Teddy - needed to demonstrate him self before his companions that is the reason he searches for undertakings constantly. Cris - needed to demonstrate that he is better than each one contemplates him and he need to battle against the disgrace that the general public adhere to his all family. They began to stroll along the train rode that prompts where the body was seen, along the street the companions involvement with a wide range of difficulties like lack of food and water, they understand all the difficulties in a deferent manners like gathering cash from all the individuals and purchasing food from the closest basic food item shop. Up and down the manner in which they supporting one another in any case, its not halting them to battle as well. One of the issues was to conclude whether to stroll on the train connect or to circumvent it (5 km ) luckily the train came when they were on the extension, they got frightened and begin running Gordy and Warren didnt prevailing to pass train connect and needed to hop over it. Around evening time they separated the night into four moves, each one watched one move with a similar weapon. On the outing they disclosed to one another each passionate inclination. The other gathering chose to locate the dead body too. ... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Techniques Used in American Beauty free essay sample

All through American Beauty, Mendes? utilization of set plan and camera edges have been painstakingly organized to emphathise the ? lm? s subject of detainment. In the initial scene the crowd? s prologue to the lead character is Lester Burnham washing up. Mendes (1999) states this is the ? rst prison cell the crowd sees Lester in, a scope of different prison cell type settings show up all through the ? lm including Lester introduced too much behind glass, among outlines and at work, where he is con? ned to a little work area in an extremely huge of? ce (Appalachian, 2009). The impact of Lester detained recommends he is secluded and expelled from his general surroundings. The camera edges utilized overstate this and feature Lester? s de? ation of intensity against the signi? cant individuals throughout his life. This strategy is appeared to de? ne the connection among Lester and his chief, Brad. During a private discussion about spending cuts at work, Brad? s predominance is upheld as he shot from a low point, while Lester is shot from a high edge, this makes the impact that Lester is far away from Brad, which shows to the crowd the huge force Brad has over him. Mendes (1999) depicts Lester as â€Å"distant and isolated† in this scene. This strategy is likewise recreated all through the film to emphathise Lester? s isolates relationship from his better half, Carolyn and little girl, Jane. The scene where Lester apparently delays his better half by spilling his attaché on the asphalt before entering the vehicle, Carolyn, comparatively to Brad is shot from a low point again which authorizes Lester? s absence of intensity and her prevalence. Strangely, as the ? lm advances and Lester? connections advance, the camera points additionally develop backward and the crowd starts to see Lester shot in a low edge and characters like Carolyn are shot in a high edge, demonstrating that Carolyn is presently defenseless. These modified camera edges give Lester a triumphant picture. Another strategy Mendes utilizes is shading. The utilization of shading is frequently a significant method used by ? lm executives to impart topics and thoughts to a cro wd of people. In American Beauty, Mendes intensely utilizes shading to impart that the characters are endeavoring to escape from their detainment. At first the characters are found in situations that are dull and common, as Mendes (1999) states when alluding to Lester? s work setting. As Lester? s mission for escapement picks up force, the clear shade of red is continuously brought more into this ? lm through unobtrusive decorations in the Burnham house and especially coordinated with Lester? s sexual dreams. The utilization of the dynamic, red flower petal is ? rst presented when Lester and Carolyn go to Jane? s cheer execution, where Lester loses himself as he enters his ? rst â€Å"tunnel of fantasy† (Mendes, 1999). Deschler (1999) states the rose is emblematic of American magnificence, and the shading red represents enthusiasm and love. The signi? cance of the flower petal and the shading red is over and again observed all through the ? lm in house decorations, for example, a bunch of roses on the foot stool and clearly in Lester? s dreams about Jane? s companion, Angela, the expanding level of red in the ? lm is related to Lester? s advancing sexual drive and change. The ? ourishing nearness of the shading red, recognizes Lester? s ? erce desire and want to be free. This is adequately passed on during the scene where Lester imagines Angela in a lively ocean of roses, contacting herself alluringly on his room roof, likewise when Lester purchases the vehicle â€Å"he has consistently wanted† (Ball, 1999), which is a 1970 Firebird and deliberately, red. Music is an incredible medium in ? lm and Mendes utilizes the soundtrack in American Beauty to verbalize the character? s developing characters and connections, and to establish the pace of every scene, especially observable during Lester? s change. Author, Thomas Newman? score is depicted as â€Å"lonely and melancholy† (Mendes, 1999), which is a suitable articulation for Lester? s presence toward the start of this ? lm. This is also shown and supports to de? ne the underlying connection among Lester and Carolyn, as appeared by the dull music that Carolyn decides to play during supper. When Lester? s excursion to opportunity picks up speed, clearly his feeling of self-esteem has expanded as there is a hopeful lift in the class of music that is played as the setting to Lester? s life. This despairing music played toward the start of the ? m, starts to vanish and is supplanted by quick paced, exciting music. All the while as Lester? s way of life changes into cannabis smoking and work at a drive-thru eatery, so does too his enthusiasm for tuning in to seventies exciting music (Deschler, 1999). At the stature of Lester? s change, a significant scene where the soundtrack adequately imparts a freeing change in character is the point at which he is foolishly driving his 1970 Firebird, while chiming in to Guess Who? s rock hit â€Å"American Woman,† he con? dently sings the verses â€Å"American lady, avoid me† (Ball, 2009). This defiant decision of melody bolsters Lester? s freshly discovered opportunity from his corporate life and could even propose that Lester is recently unaffected by his significant other? s decisions and limits by reproducing his lost youth. In a significant number of the dream successions including Angela, the music made is enchanting and trancelike, which reflect? s the impact Angela has on Lester (Huffstutler, 2009), the strategy of soundtrack is adequately utilized here to establish a solid pace for the crowd. In American Beauty, chief, Sam Mendes utilizes the Burnham family to show the breakdown of a rural family and conceivably to urge his crowd to ? ook closer? furthermore, past what frequently shows up, to be a consistent, truly flawless life. American Beauty viably utilizes the methods of set plan, camera edges, shading and soundtrack to pass on the significance of this ? lm, which is to escape from detainment.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Topics on Jewish People - How to Prepare For the Essay Topic

Essay Topics on Jewish People - How to Prepare For the Essay TopicEssay topics on Jewish people are a topic that many people can't seem to get through. In order to write an essay on this topic it can be quite a daunting task. Many students try to use the same format in order to take a more 'enlightened' approach, yet this can prove ineffective in the long run.A way of saving yourself some time and frustration is to start writing your essay topics on Jewish people by asking yourself a couple of questions. Your answers will then provide you with the right topic for the essay. One of the first questions you need to ask yourself is how much have you learned about Jews? This is because you'll be applying different definitions of the word Jew in your essay and must make sure you are using the most accurate one.The next question is how much information do you have regarding the Jewish culture, history, and religion? Some of the things you can learn include how Jews came to America, what rel igion Jews follow, and who they are today. Each of these has an extremely important bearing on the essay topic.For example, in a small group it's possible that you may come to learn that they view the Messiah as a different person than Christians do. You might also come to learn that Jews might not see the Messiah as the Messiah at all, but as someone that's new to the world.Other important things to think about in relation to the topic are how the Jews got here, how they have been in America for hundreds of years, and how they were persecuted here for so long. It's quite possible that you may come to learn that many of the important figures in history don't necessarily agree with what you believe. It's therefore advisable to learn as much as you can about the subject before you begin writing.Yet another big one to think about is the Holocaust. The Holocaust is such a significant part of the Jewish culture and faith that you may well want to look into it and see if you can find info rmation on the subject.Essay topics on Jewish people might sound easy enough but remember that you're not writing an essay for a class. There is a lot of information to absorb and know. Once you have all this knowledge, you'll find that your writing isn't as bad as you thought it would be!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Frederick Douglass And The Abolition Of Slavery - 1713 Words

Enslaved Africans committed a myriad of acts that are considered rebellion, or resistance, against the institution of slavery. They rebelled against their positions in a variety of ways--sometimes small, subtle acts; other times very obvious and direct implications. Frederick Douglass resisted slavery by understanding the fundamentals of it, standing up for himself, and formulating an escape. James Oakes argues the direct resistance displayed by slaves, like running away, was significant and necessary to the abolition of slavery as a whole. Oakes understood slave resistance as a positive, necessary force. He believed the most effective resistance displayed by slaves was day-to-day resistance, or a variety of acts designed to ease their burdens and frustrate the master s wills (Oakes 89). These acts included [breaking] tools, [feigning illnesses], [deliberately malingering], [stealing] food, and [manipulating] the tensions between master and overseer (Oakes 89). They resisted in a myr iad of other ways as well, like running away or when Douglass let his master s horses loose on purpose--creating both a hassle for his slaveholder and a distraction for him. These acts of resistance were important because of their influence on national politics and events. Oakes states that slave law in the United States was but one part of a much larger and more powerful body of Anglo-American law (92). Essentially, the laws within slavery were but part and parcel of the law of theShow MoreRelatedFrederick Douglass and the Abolition of Slavery600 Words   |  3 PagesFrederick Douglass and the Abolition of Slavery There were many influential people who fought for the abolition of slavery in the 1800s. Among these people are Harriet Tubman, William Lloyd Garrison, and our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln. Frederick Douglass is one of these people. As a former slave, Frederick Douglass believed he could not enjoy his freedom while the rest of his people suffered under the burden of slavery. Therefore, he spent much of his adult life working to abolishRead MoreAn Analysis Of Frederick Douglass s The Light Of Anti Abolitionism 941 Words   |  4 PagesFourth of July† was brilliantly written by Frederick Douglass in the heat of anti-abolitionism. The speech was well written and executed by using imagery and language, using emotional tones to garner sympathy and understanding, and the overarching idea that slavery was wrong. The tone all through the speech shows the passion and fervor Mister Douglass was feeling that day and really goes to show why this speech is fantastic. To start, Frederick Douglass uses heavy and raw imagery to paint a surrealRead MoreFrederick Douglass : A Revolutionary Leader And Pioneer1617 Words   |  7 PagesLife histoory of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass, social reformer of an African American descent, was an orator, writer, statesman, abolitionist movement leader. He was born in 1818 in Talbot County in the United States in the area of Maryland. He gained prominence because of his extraordinary oratory skills. His antislavery writings were appreciated across America, particularly when he pointed out that the slaves lacked the basic intellectual rights to perform as the independent AmericanRead MoreAdvocates for the Abolition of Slavery: Olaudah Equiano vs. Fredirck Douglass902 Words   |  4 Pagesslaves Frederick Douglass and Olaudah Equiano documented their horrifying experiences and published accounts of them. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano highlight the cruelty towards slaves during the era of realism. Although these autobiographies contain many similarities in the manner of their composure, including abolitionist motives and a fo cus on the separation of families, the dissimilar lives of Equiano and Douglass exposeRead MoreWhy Was Reading A Central Concern Throughout The 19th Century?879 Words   |  4 Pages19th Century? Frederick Douglass was born in a time where life for African Americans was unfair and poor. He was a man born into slavery, but he changed his own course of life and many others with learning to read and write. With the help of his owner’s wife he learned enough to start his own education and eventually escaped to freedom. Reading was such a central concern to Douglass for many reasons including: Reading about slavery helps Douglass to understand slavery, Douglass sees reading asRead MoreCompare and Contrast Harriet Beecher Stowe and Frederick Douglass740 Words   |  3 Pagesto the Civil war, many anti-slavery abolitionists spoke out on their feelings against slavery. New Christian views, and new ideas about human rights are what prompted this anti-slavery movement. Abolitionist literature began to appear around 1820. Abolitionist literature included newspapers, sermons, speeches and memoirs of slaves. Harriet Beecher Stowe and Frederick Douglass were two abolitionist write rs. They were similar in some ways and different in others (â€Å"Abolition†). Harriet Beecher StoweRead MoreFrederick Douglass s Influence On American Society982 Words   |  4 Pages Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, or better known, Frederick Douglass was born in February 1818 to Harriet Bailey in Talbot County, Maryland. For a long time, Frederick did not know his birthdate or his family lineage and it haunted him till the day he died. Frederick Douglas family lineage reach as far back into the beginnings of America and maybe even further into American prehistory. Douglass was believed to have Native American blood in him. Just from the description of him, â€Å"his broad foreheadRead MoreFrederick Douglass And The Fight For Women s Suffrage1357 Words   |  6 PagesFrederick Douglass was a major black-male voice in the fight for women’s suffrage. Douglass unlike many men believed that women too were people and deserved all of the rights a man was given. He believed this because black men were previously apart from the equality of all men, and they too should be apart in gaining this equality for all. Douglass, along with other strong willed women, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, among others, they became the forefrontRead MoreFreedom, By Stedman Graham1135 Words   |  5 Pagesto take information and education and make it relevant to your own growth every single day. Freedom is not staying in the box. Freedom is not doing what other people want you to do.† It’s safe to say that Frederick Douglass would agree with this statement, due to the accounts he lived. Douglass was born a slave in Maryland in 1818. He was an African-American social reformer who longed to be free. He planned to achieve this through education, through reading and writing. During these times many African-AmericansRead MoreThe Life Of Harriet Tubman And Frederick Douglass1224 Words   |  5 Pageshelp other slaves escape the harsh conditions of their plantations in the south. Harriet Tub man and Frederick Douglass were two major influences to the success of the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad benefitted the African Americans by giving them hope, and most importantly freedom. If not for the Underground Railroad, the abolition of slavery would not have become a reality and slavery would have flourished and continue to spread into the newly added territories of the United States

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ashle Taylor. Nutrition 1322. Dr. Sanford. 04/10/17. Dietary

Ashle Taylor Nutrition 1322 Dr. Sanford 04/10/17 Dietary Analysis Week of 04/10-04/16 Since we have been learning about nutrition in class, we are to record a food log for the next 7 days. Nutrition requires a well-balanced diet containing nutrient and vitamins like amino acids and fatty acids. over these next couple of days, I m going to be recording what I eat from April 10th through the 16th Doing this food log was really challenging because I don’t normally have such bad eating habit and it was troubling because I have never written about what I ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or additional meals. I found this food log useful but then again it was not because this week I attended a lot of different events that I knew would alter my†¦show more content†¦(. Food Pyramid. N.p., n.d. Web. 30) Day 1 of recording my food intake that Moring I had a small bowl of frosted flakes cereal with 2 percent milk. For lunch, just a glass of water with lemons and bad of hot fries. Throughout the day, I had a few snacks blue raspberry snow cone, ice-cream cone from dairy queen and four-piece chicken nuggets from Wendy’s for dinner I had fully loaded nachos with chicken and beef, lettuce, sour cream, beans, guacamole, tomatoes and shredded cheese and later that night I had a hot dog without the wiener and just chili and cheese. Day 2 of recording my food intake that morning I had a meal replacement drink and I went running at the trail and after I had orange power aid and a protein bar for lunch. I went to spankys bar and grill and had fried pickles with ranch for an appetizer, a chicken fried potato with white gravy and one trip to the salad bar loaded with all the toppings and a water with extra lemons. For a snack, I had barbeque sunflower seeds with a water. That evening for dinner I had water with lemons, steak, rice with brown gravy, and mac and cheese. Day 3 of recording my food intake that morning I went to Denny s and had a steak omlette with hash browns and two chocolate chip pancakes and a water with extra lemons. For lunch, I had an avocado salad with a glass of sweet tea and a bottle of water. Dinner that night I had smother chicken queseo casserole, and peach cobbler with ginger ale. Day 4 of recording my food intake for

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Supply Chain Analysis Elements of Operations (Free Sample)

Question: Discuss about the Supply Chain Analysis and Elements of Operations. Answer: Introduction Supply chain management is the management of finances, material and information from the supplier to the manufacturer, the manufacturer to the wholesaler, the wholesaler to the retailer and the retailer to the customer ("What is supply chain management (SCM)? - Definition from", 2016). Supply chain management is one operation that creates a lot of value for the stakeholders. Supply chain management is considered to be one of the most important operations of any business organisation in the present day world as a lot of other operations are dependent upon it. Supply chain management, if effective and efficient, can provide a business with a great competitive edge as it helps in bringing down the operational costs and allows the company to adjust according to the market demands as soon as possible. Therefore, business organisations in the modern day competitive business world are relying greatly upon their supply chain management systems to achieve market competencies and in crease their business efficiencies. It has been found that applying analytical tools to supply chain management is a great idea and might be re-shaping the future of business organisations in the years to come. Furthermore, relying on traditional supply chain management systems in a global competitive business world is not possible and the companies would ultimately have to come out with new ways of designing their supply chain management systems just like the one designed by Zara that made it a world famous company and an industrial leader (Myerson, 2013). Supply Chain Analysis In this report, we will design a framework for analysing the supply chain management. The framework will allow us to analyse the supply chain management of a client in the shortest possible time i.e. one day of client visit. As the time period for analysing the supply chain management is quite short, the framework will be short and would consider only the things that are necessary for measuring the actual efficiencies and inefficiencies of a supply chain management. Let us now discuss some points that can be used for analysing the supply chain management of a client during a one day visit to the manufacturing site and the regional warehouse: Inventory The first and the most important thing that should be taken into account while conducting a supply chain analysis is the inventory. First of all, one should thoroughly check the inventory status of the firm. One can note down the inventory capacity of the frim i.e. the maximum inventory that the firm can hold at one point of time, the time that the firm takes to completely utilise its inventory, the time taken by the firm to restock its inventory, etc. Apart from the inventory variables, one should be well prepared about the market information of the industry that the firm operates in. One should be aware of the market demand and the supplying capacity of the firm so that he can make appropriate suggestions ("Supply Chain Management: Importance of Inventory Management in Supply Chain", 2011). It is important to note down such metrics because while designing the best supply chain management system for a firm, it becomes very important that the costs are minimised while the minimum amount of inventory is maintained side by side. If the inventory runs out quickly, the firm would have to place orders for new stock at frequent intervals, which would increase the ordering cost of the inventory. On the other hand, if the firm ends up stocking too much inventory in its storage, the carrying cost of the inventory will come into play and the operational costs would increase as a result of it. Once the above mentioned information is available, it would become easier to calculate the best amount of inventory that the firm would be required to maintain if it has to reduce the operational costs, inefficiencies and strengthen its system of supply chain management (Esper Waller, 2016). Suppliers One of the key elements of a supply chain management system is the suppliers that supply the necessary raw material or products to a firm. During a one day audit, one can collect thorough information about the suppliers from a senior level executive or the person who is responsible for maintaining relations with the suppliers. The suppliers are the key elements of a supply chain management system as they influence the supplies that reach a firm. The time that an order takes to reach the warehouse, the quality of the raw material, prices, etc. all are dependent upon the supplier. A company with multiple suppliers always has an edge over the other firms as it has a greater power while bargaining as compared to a company that is dependent on single or very few suppliers. One should carefully analyse the bargaining power of the supplier, his location from the warehouses, his maximum supply ability, price competitiveness, reputation amongst other firms and in the market, contra cts with other firms, etc. ("10 Cs of Supplier Evaluation: Evaluating Potential Suppliers", 2016). Such information will allow to judge whether the supplier is capable of carrying out long term business with a company or is going to give more priority to other companies, because of which the business of the firm being analysed might get affected in the longer run. If the company has links with suppliers that are relatively new in the market, have high quality products and the ones whose maximum potential are not yet tapped, the company can have a great competitive edge in designing its supply chain management system as such suppliers would always give preference to the company that provides them long term business opportunities ("7 Tips for Rating and Evaluating Your Suppliers and Vendors", 2010). Transportation one of the most important elements in a supply chain management system is the transportation of products or services from the suppliers to the warehouses and from the manufacturing units to the retailers or directly to the consumers. While analysing the supply chain management system of a firm, it becomes crucial to analyse the modes of transportation and the logistics that the suppliers use to transport the raw material to the company. Modes of transportation play a huge role in deciding the time that a consignment takes to reach the company. For example, if the supplier sends the consignment through road, it might take the consignment a longer time to reach the company as compared to the supplier who sends the consignment through airways. The efficiency of the supply chain can also depend upon the logistic partners that the suppliers or the company have tied up with. Transportation of products or raw material through third party logistic companies can take a longer time as compared to the situation where either of the firm uses their private logistic network. For obtaining accurate data about the transportation costs, one can have a quick look into the freight invoices that the accounts department of the firm will be taking care of. Once the freight invoices are compared with all other transportation details, the results could then be used for powerful business intelligence and to take important business decisions regarding the supply chain management system. The next step that one can take is to study the transportation network that the company uses to transfers its products to the end users. Some of the key variables that need to be noted down in this step are the time taken to transport the goods or the speed with which the products reach the consumers and the cost of transportation per unit of product. Such factors might be minute, but can have a great impact on the efficiency of a supply chain management system, the operational costs and the final price of a product ("The Role of Transportation in Supply Chain Management", 2014). Quality Of Raw Material Received And Packaging a supply chain management system is considered to be efficient when the best quality raw materials are received within the shortest possible time. Many firms do not realize the importance of quality control in the supply chain management systems and pay a greater stress on the supply chain itself. When a firm orders a consignment, it is not necessary that the firm has been to the storage houses of the supplier and checked each and every unit of the consignment. The firm places an order usually on a call or through an e-mail while a supplier, who might be running his business from thousand miles away, has to dispatch the consignment as soon as possible. It is important that the quality of the raw materials received in the consignment is of good quality because it becomes impossible for the receiver as well as for the sender to send the whole consignment back. One should definitely make it a point to check at least 10 units from two or th ree different consignments by taking a random sample because taking random sample from different consignments would help in attaining more reliable and valid results ("Maintain Quality in a Complex Supply Chain With Better Information Management", n.d.). One should check the consignment received on the basis of the quality of packaging, the quality of the raw material received, etc. Poor packaging of raw material or products signifies leniency on the part of the supplier, which should never be tolerated. It increases the chances of in transit damages and loss of quality of raw material. A marginal error of 5% can be kept for damages or quality issues but above that should be regarded as an inefficiency of the supplier. Raw material with major defects can damage the machinery of the company during the production process and can cause danger to life and property ("Importance of Quality Control in Supply Chain Management", 2016). Such suppliers, who exceed the marginal error by 5%, sho uld be carefully dealt with and if such encounters are repeated again, the firm should end their business with the supplier because lower quality raw material would ultimately have a direct impact on the end products that the company manufactures ("The Role of Quality in Supply Chain Efficiency", n.d.). The Supply Chain Network Itself last but not the least, one should definitely have a careful look on the supply chain network of the firm that he is analysing. The supply chain network is a graphical representation of how the raw material and the end products move to and fro from the company ("What is a Supply Chain Network? - Logistics Materials Handling Blog | Adaptalift Hyster", 2011). The supply chain network diagram of the company will give a detailed idea about the storage houses or the ware houses that the company uses for storing its raw material, their distance from the manufacturing facilities, the modes of transportation used to transport the raw material to the manufacturing facility, distance of manufacturing unit from the market, wholesalers or retailers, the mode of transportation that the company uses to transport its end products to the market. Once all the data is obtained, one can use various tools and techniques studied in operations management and can easily fi nd the best route for the movement of raw material and end products. Tools and techniques, such as PERT, CPM, matrices, etc. would allow us to design a structure that would minimise the transportation costs as well as the transportation time so that any inefficiency in the supply chain management system can be removed. Improving The Suppy Chain The review of the supply chain management of a firm is carried out so that we can make necessary improvements in it and make it more efficient. Below are some of the steps that can help a firm in improving its supply chain management: The company should manage the information available to it and not just inform the management about the latest trends and information. The management should not just rely upon logistic information for designing its supply chain management but should also incorporate market information, consumer demand, demand and supply forecasting, etc. in its supply chain decisions. Maintaining good relations with suppliers and vendors and keeping a track of their activities can also help in making the supply chain system more efficient. Another way to increase the efficiency of supply chain management system is to conduct a thorough analysis on the inventory required at particular points of time. If a firm has no idea about its inventory requirements, it will either place too many orders or will stock more inventory than required, which would ultimately increase the operational cost. On the other hand, following supply chain strategies, such as the Just-in-time strategy, a company can minimise its inventory cost and can streamline its supply chain process. Conclusion The points discussed above are few of the most important key elements of a supply chain management system. A company can never design its supply chain management system without considering the elements that have been discussed. As a result, including such elements in a supply chain analysis can help in getting ample amount of information during a short term visit. The information required to understand the above mentioned elements can be easily obtained from various departments of the firm that is being analysed and an analyst can easily convert this raw information collected into useful information that can be further used for the purpose of business intelligence. Using the information collected, the analyst can prepare a detailed report and can present it to the management by showing all the inefficacies and a new design that would help in eliminating the inefficiencies identified during the analysis. References 10 Cs of Supplier Evaluation: Evaluating Potential Suppliers. (2016). Retrieved 14 July 2016, from 7 Tips for Rating and Evaluating Your Suppliers and Vendors. (2010). Retrieved 14 July 2016, from Retrieved 14 July 2016, from Definition of LOGISTICS. (2016). Retrieved 14 July 2016, from Esper, T. Waller, M. (2016). The Role of Inventory in Supply Chain Management | Introduction to Inventory Management: Principles and Strategies for the Efficient Flow of Inventory across the Supply Chain | InformIT. Retrieved 14 July 2016, from Importance of Quality Control in Supply Chain Management. (2016). Retrieved 14 July 2016, from Maintain Quality in a Complex Supply Chain With Better Information Management. Retrieved 14 July 2016, from Myerson, P. (2013). Supply Chain Analytics: What is it and Why is it so Important?. Retrieved 14 July 2016, from Supply Chain Analysis | Ensure Accurate, Detailed Transportation Data. Retrieved 14 July 2016, from Supply Chain Management: Importance of Inventory Management in Supply Chain. (2011). Retrieved 14 July 2016, from The Role of Quality in Supply Chain Efficiency. Supply Demand Chain Executive. Retrieved 14 July 2016, from The Role of Transportation in Supply Chain Management. (2014). Eyefreight. 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