Saturday, December 28, 2019

Oil Is A Finite Resource - 1320 Words

Oil is a finite resource that is ever diminishing in quantity. In coming years, it will become very scarce and hard to find. While everyone is starting to find solutions to compensate for the imminent forgoing of oil, such as car industries being one of the main ones as they use oil to run their machines mostly, it will be a while before oil can be replaced completely by other things. Even with said replacements, functions that used to be handled by oil will be diverse and complex in nature such as the multiple different energy sources being tested today. Some temporary solutions that are meant to delay the end of oil, and prolong its stay is the method of extracting oil unconventionally. Oil industries and governments across the globe are†¦show more content†¦The depletion of conventional oil will spark a new era that was never seen before. This is because civilization has never seen a regression in technology, but only constant advancements. Without proper preparation, man y technological aspects taken for granted today, will be deemed useless or not very practical for use. Such industries include airlines, trucks, plastic, agricultural chemicals, plastic and the automobile industry. Many of said industries would take a large hit in production value and speed, making them obsolete in the economy, and whatever they used to produce would become of high demand and low production rate. This would become devastating for many other industries as well, as the loss of some standard living objects such as plastic become less and less abundant, its prices would go up and prices of many products with dirt cheap prices would match those of more expensive products. The automobile industry and transportation in general would also be a target for the effects of the loss of conventional, the higher demand of unconventional oil, and its bigger price tag. Its effect would mostly be short-lived for some industries such as the automobile one, as more companies are compen sating and preparing for the imminent oil price surges or it’s complete disappearance with the invention of electric cars and the. The end of conventional oil is the end of many different aspects of human life today, but it marks the beginning of aShow MoreRelatedThe Human Race : A Source Of Energy1549 Words   |  7 Pagesrelied on finite resources as a source of energy since their beginning as a race on the Earth. While humans have used resources such as food in order to provide their bodies with the essential energy they need in order to survive, these sources are relatively much less finite than that of other human resources. This is because human beings are able to grow and produce their own food as they please. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Greatest Day Of My Life - 999 Words

Everyone needs some form of escape from reality. While this varies from person to person, with the entertainment business booming, it is safe to infer that many find their comfort with movie theatres. Many of these people like to be engulfed by the story of their movie. My escape, however, comes from just being inside the theatre. There is something magical about theatres that keeps bringing me back. The first time I vividly remember going to the movies was when the second Harry Potter movie released. I finally watched the first movie on our brand new DVD player and read the four books that had been released. When the Saturday came to go to the Edwards in Irvine, I woke up extra early to make terrible pancakes for everybody (this is also a time when I wanted to be a chef). I begged my parents to take to me to the nearby 7-11 to buy all the candy that we were going to sneak in the theatre. I knew that this was going to be the greatest day of my life. While I know now my parents were r eluctant to spend all that money, I know that today they would not change a thing. Going to the movies in the early 2000’s for my family meant more than just watching a movie. With my mother working two jobs and my father deploying every other year to different parts of the world as a Marine, these Saturdays were a very rare occasion. Not only do I get to watch a movie, I get to spend a whole day with my family hopping from movie to movie. There were no fights, no problems, and no worries.Show MoreRelatedThe Greatest Day Of My Life1253 Words   |  6 PagesThe Greatest Day of my Life: The Arrival of Grace Miller â€Å"Roy! Get up it’s time to go!† Sue exclaimed. â€Å"What? Go where?† I asked, disoriented. â€Å"You got to be kidding me!† She shrieked, â€Å"It’s time to have the baby, now get up before you miss your own daughter’s birth!† â€Å"OK, I’m sorry, I’m awake,† I grumbled, moving to a sitting position, in the vexatious bed the hospital provided for me. â€Å"Well, I will see you down there, the nurse is taking me to the delivery room; they have to start my epiduralRead MoreMy Greatest Day Of My Life1701 Words   |  7 PagesThe first time I went to states was in 9 years old in 2013 I went two and two and out, but was the greatest day of my life it was awesome. First it’s the day of the weigh-ins and i m going for 55 pounds and it is you do and wrestle or you don t and you go home. I have been cutting weight to make it all week and me and my dad are in line, first the check you in and you get a ticket then you go. Soon before I know it i m up and it is cold and i’m in shorts and i m freezing and of course so hungryRead MoreMy Perfect Life Essay763 Words   |  4 Pageshaving a perfect life is having a lot of money, doing whatever you want, and having everything you ever wanted. But in my mind, that isn’t the perfect life. The perfect life to me is living life to the fullest creating memories you won’t forget and creating friendships that last forever. Many people think that when something bad happens in life it is the devil trying to get to you, but you have to use that to motivate yourself to be the greatest you can be. Now here are some of my lifelong lastingRead MoreBecoming a Mom Changed My Life Essay528 Words   |  3 PagesTwo of the greatest days of my life were the days my daughters were born. The first time I held the both of them and gazed into their eyes I felt a sense of relief and hope. The feeling is a warm tingling sensation that engulfed my entire body. The emotions that I felt are beyond what words can explain. It’s amazing to me that in the first few minutes of their lives they completely changed my perception of the world. Motherhood has taught me many life lessons. Before becoming a mother, I wasRead MoreThe Greatest Salesman in the World769 Words   |  4 PagesThe Greatest Salesman In The World 1) What happened to the little camel boy turned greatest salesman in the world? Hafid become successful and be the one of the most greatest salesman in the world, because his wise master pathros gave him â€Å"Ten Ancient Scrolls† which contained all the wisdom he would need to achieve his ambitions as a salesman. Hafid was supposed to read each scroll every morning and night for 30 days before moving on to the next one. 2) Why do you think this is a storyRead MoreMy Mom Is My Greatest Influence College Essay724 Words   |  3 PagesMy Mother Is My Greatest Influence in My Life I’ve learned through the eyes of my mother that life isn’t easy. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Extended essay for ambition free essay sample

Ambition is something that everyone has no matter their background or age. It can be a driving force to success, or maybe a road to failure. But ambition is a passion one has that should never fail you. Everyone has dreams or goals in life they look to achieve. We might question others on why they chase dreams that are so surreal and nearly impossible to achieve. If one is driven by ambition, goals are a high order in which need to be accomplished. Ambition happens to be one of the best abilities anyone could have. It forces one to never give up on the things they need or want. It may take somebody their entire life striving to accomplish their dreams or goals, but they need to work hard and put in enough effort to succeed in what they want, and there is where ambition comes into play. When someone is not happy, ambition causes them to do something to change it, because they do not want to be unhappy anymore. Without ambition, one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it. † Said the American essayist, lecturer, and poet; Ralph Emerson. (32 Brilliant Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson). Every one of us have our own ambition. Some have good ambition while some have bad ambition, but both need continuous work to achieve it. Ambition is defined as an eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power. (ambition). To me, ambition is something that makes us work hard with a strong will power to achieve anything no matter what the obstacles are. One cannot achieve anything if they just daydream and do nothing about it. Let’s choose senior year in high school for an example. Majority of students plan to apply, then attend college to have a career and good job. Now picture all the paper work and stress you go through not only for the applications and waiting, but applying for scholarships and keeping up with your grades the whole time. Many students to it. They find the ability and ambition because this is their goal, their dream and just because there are some obstacles in the way, they still make it. Different people have different ambitions in life. The nature of ambition varies from persons to person. Ambition depends upon ones background, social status and economic condition. It will make them become what they aim for in life. A person without any ambition is like a car without gas, you can sit around in it, but you are not making it where you need to be. Continuous effort is needed towards achieving goals when you have ambition. Without ambition in one’s life, it would be hard to get the motivation needed to accomplish one’s mission. Negative characteristics in life seem unfair, but are also associated with ambition. Sometimes people have the desire to do bad things, such as steal for example. That is negative but they may have the ambition to steal, to help out their family. Everyone understands that that is wrong, but they have the ambition to do negative things for certain reasons. It shouldn’t be seen as wrong to want to achieve the best things one can have in life. Ambition is healthy in everyone’s life, helping them achieve everything they are capable of, but it is left up to them whether to allow it to overrule other aspects in life such as morals and values, good or bad. An ambitious man is hard working. He practices his ability and will power. Ambition without will power is meaningless. It is connected with hard work that brings success and prosperity. Ambition is well known in literature. In Macbeth, the main character which happens to be Macbeth, main flaw is ambition. His ambition, desire to be king, leads him to murdering, so he could become the next king. The wife of Macbeth in Shakespeares Macbeth. A strong, rational, and calculating woman, is determined to see her husband put aside his â€Å"milk of human kindness† to fulfill their ambitions to rule. (Macbeth, Lady). Lady Macbeth leads Macbeth through the process of killing the king, and she is who causes the death. Ambition is also the main theme in the novel Frankenstein. Victor who is the main character in the novel, has dreams of accomplishing certain things that are at higher order then his standing point. Both Victor and Macbeth accomplish their desires but they do not do a good job in achieving happiness. After accomplishing their desires, although they got what they wanted at the time, they were never truly satisfied. Both die in the end of each story. Ambitious people are the ones who have the desire to determine the way the world will look tomorrow and where this society will take oneself. Ambition is the power behind any kind of progress and change; where majority of people strive for stability. When somebody wants to alter things, they do it. If a person wants to be a successful human being, they must work hard in this world. Becoming successful is not something somebody can snap their fingers and become. It takes time and effort and somebody wanting to become something, for it to happen. Say someone wants to be a doctor. They have the ambition to become a doctor so they work hard, go to college, and work their way there. They do not just sit back and hope one day somebody tells them they are a doctor and can start working on patients. A person with an ambition should not be helpless upon circumstances. They should move ahead facing all the struggles, obstacles and difficulties that may hinder their progress. They should have the determining mind to achieve their goal and purpose. Their will-power and determination will carry them forward throughout life. Obstacles in their way will not lead them astray, because with his ambition, they will not give up.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ethics and Benefits of Human Cloning free essay sample

An argumentative paper on the ethics and benefits of human cloning. This paper discusses the history, background and the complicated ethics regarding human cloning. The author looks at the science of cloning, pros and cons of cloning and argues that cloning is beneficial in the long run. There is no other topic in health care with more potential for controversy than human cloning. I decided to write my paper on human cloning for this very reason, it will be an even more controversial issue than abortion in the future for my generation. Indeed, cloning is a topic for the future but this future is much closer than many people would like to believe. Many have deep religious and ethical reasons for wanting a total ban on human cloning. However, there are also many people, including some scientists, who believe that the possible benefits of human cloning outweigh the risks by a huge margin. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Benefits of Human Cloning or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Cloning has become an issue within the past 4 years due to the realization that it is possible to clone a human being.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Moral Absolutes free essay sample

Why are Christian ethics and theology inseparable? What did Francis Schaeffer mean when he said that not all things are the same to God? Christian ethics is inseparable from theology because it is grounded in the character of God. Francis Schaeffer said that not all things are the same to God and means that God exists and has a character, but not all things are the same to him. Some things conform to His character, and some are opposed to his character. 2. What did Schaeffer conclude about a society without moral absolutes? Do we see this in society? Schaeffer concludes that if a society has no moral absolutes then there is no final appeal to judge between individuals and groups whose moral judgments conflict. There will be no standards and only conflicting opinions. 3. On what authority do Christians base their belief in moral absolutes? How specific is this authority? Christians base their beliefs in moral absolutes through the Bible. We will write a custom essay sample on Moral Absolutes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Of course, you cannot solve all moral decisions by referring to the Bible but there sufficient guidelines provided to give us a sense of what is morally right. These guidelines are the Decalogue also known as the Ten Commandments and tat is how specific the authority is. 4. Ethically speaking, what are Christians called to do? Christians are called to love the Lord with all their heart, all their soul, and with all their strength and with their entire mind and love your neighbor as yourself. 5. What did Dietrich Bonhoeffer mean by the question, â€Å"Where are the responsible people? He meant Christians, who are willing to treat God’s moral order with the same respect they show His physical order; who love God with their whole body, soul, spirit, mind and strength; who treat others as they desire to be treated. Ethics 3. 2 6. Why do Muslims view Muhammad as morally exemplary even though the Hadith does not paint a flattering portrait of his life? Muslims are conditioned to look at the whole picture through the eyes of faith. Certain things that the Prophet did do not conform to ordinary ideas of morality and may be considered sensual and cruel, but believers look at the whole thing differently. To them morality derives from the Prophet’s actions; the moral is whatever he did. Morality does not determine the Prophet’s actions, but his actions determines morality. 7. How do Christianity and Islam differ in relation to their beliefs about ethical absolutes? Christianity and Islam differ because Christianity is based on the Bible and Islam is based on the Qur’an and the Bible grounds morality in God’s essential character; the Qur’an teaches that God cannot be ultimately known. 8. In what two ways is the term jihad used? First: the battle against temptation and sin for the sake of self-control and the development of virtue; Second: the battle against any and all who oppose Islam. 9. What motivates Muslims to behave ethically? They are motivated by several fronts like: to develop personal virtue and spirituality, to better the state of others, to strengthen relationships, and to anticipate the coming judgment. 10. Which motivation is strongest? The anticipation of final judgment. Ethics 3. 3 11. What is the ultimate ethical question for a Secular Humanist? What questions did Morris B. Storer outline in his book Humanist Ethics? The ultimate ethical question for a Secular Humanist is Can morality be achieved without the foundation of absolute religious beliefs? Who makes the rules, God or men? Morris B. Storer outlined: Is personal advantage the measure of right and wrong or the advantage of all affected? Is there truth in ethics? Are right and wrong expressions of heart or head? Do people have free wills? Do you measure morality by results or by principles? Do people have duties as well as rights? 12. Why are there such diverse views and conflicts regarding humanistic ethics? There are diverse views and conflicts because there is a lack of consensus about the foundation of ethics and that is problematic for the whole concept of Humanistic ethics. 13. Who proposed the â€Å"no-truth thesis† and what does it state? Kai Nelson and it states that no question of the truth or falsity of moral values can sensibly arise. 14. How do most humanists attempt to dodge the â€Å"no-truth thesis†? How does Corliss Lamont address this issue? They attempt to doge it by claiming that they use reason to determine right and wrong in the context of ethical relativism. Lamont addresses the issue with optimism stating that as long as we pursue activities that are healthy, socially useful and in accordance with reason, pleasure and happiness will accompany us and the supreme good will the eventual result. 15. What did Arthur E. Gravatt, Joseph Fletcher, Herbert W. Schneider, and Paul Kurtz have to say about Ethics? Dr. Arthur E. Gravatt: Moral behavior may differ from situation to situation. Behavior might be moral for one person and not another or moral at one time and not another. Joseph Fletcher: Rights and wrongs are determined by objective facts or circumstances, that is, by the situations in which moral agents have to decide for the most beneficial course open to choice. Herbert W. Schneider: Morality is â€Å"an experimental art† and is the â€Å"basic art of living well together. † Moral right and wrong must therefore be conceived in terms of moral standards generated in a particular society. Paul Kurtz: Moral principles should be treated as hypotheses, tested by their practical worth and judged by what they cause to happen. Ethics 3. 4 16. How did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels view the issue of morality? Marx and Engels denied that moral ideals, moral considerations, are central in human life and social evolution. Rather, it is biological and social evolution that determines their definition of morality. What is right and wrong is determined by what is best for evolution. 17. What is the Marxist-Leninist morality of the future? How will it be determined? Their morality of the future is when the proletariat finally destroys the bourgeoisie. The new classless society will determine the new morality, just as this evolution toward a classless society is dictating today’s morality. 18. What is the Marxist-Leninist view of â€Å"old morality?They view old morality as products of the bourgeoisie invented and used by the propertied class to oppress the propertyless proletariat. 19. What is the Marxist code of ethics according to the book Scientific Communism? â€Å"Devotion to the cause of the working class, collectivism, mutual aid, comradely solidarity, hatred toward the bourgeois ie and toward traitors to the common cause, internationalism, and stoicism in struggle are traits which not only define the content of proletarian ethics, but also characterize the moral image of the typical representatives of the working class. 20. What means have Marxists historically believed would bring about a society without class distinction? What have been the results of such an ethical system? They believe that revolution is the most efficient means for creating a society without class distinctions. This system is responsible for 83 million deaths between 1917 and 1964. But from a Marxist-Leninist point of view, it is worth the price if people die to abolish social classes and private property.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom Work-Family Life essay

buy custom Work-Family Life essay Work-home balance refers to an individuals perception of the relationship between family and work roles. Work and home balance is often conflicting and competing in nature. Women in the modern society have difficulty in rising to managerial positions and rarely become company managers due to their caregiving and domestic demands. Most men and women have to juggle work with family with the views that the central part of an employees life is work. Women mostly have to sacrifice home roles to be successful at their jobs. Anne-Marie Slaughter comments on the assumption that the workplaces are designed to separate family demands from the work ones. She argues that this approach is necessary for all workers to perform the task of being a parent and a worker. She notes that as employment organizations are becoming more demographically diverse, there also should be a review of the applicable family-work relationship to prevent adverse outcomes, especially for the working mothers. In her article, she argues that work and family is a win-lose relationship, proving that individuals have limited time to apportion between their numerous life roles (Slaughter, 2012). There is a negative perception of balancing home and work relationship. For women, having ultiple roles depletes resources, distracts, and the result is that they are overloaded. The work-family strain customarily leaves them with an option to quit the job. The workplaces still operate the same way, and there are no improvements in accommodating the family demands bestowed on women. Anne-Marie suggests that there should be ways designed to support the family and help manage workloads to avoid the role conflict and make it easier for women to have it all. In many instances, the emotions and mood from one domain influence to a great extent those of the other. If a woman has a good day and has some extra energy and emotions to allocate to the family, she will reap benefits from both domains. An ideal family will mean positive emotions at workplaces. Beside working women who have children, concerns connected with work-home balance affect other employees as well. Most women who prosper and attain top posts find themselves sacrificing a family to be in a position to concentrate on one end. Annie claims, Every male Supreme Court justice has a family. Two of the three female justices are single with no children. (Slaughter, 2012). The study shows how difficult it has become for women to maintain high positions at workplaces and have successful families compared to their male counterparts. Individuals holding well-paid positions at advanced managerial levels in most cases experience greater work conflict and higher imbalance in work-family life due to overwork. Mostly, there are too many tasks competing for an individuals energy and time, which results in strain and overload. On the other hand, individuals at the lower end of the economic scale experience conflict due to lack of resources to get quality childcare and flexibility of work. Therefore, employees at both ends of the economy experience work-family conflict, although their reasons for it are different (Pitt-Catsouphes, Kossek, Sweet, 2006). Given womens greater caregiving responsibilities, work-family conflict seems to affect their satisfaction at a higher degree compared to men. Managers should hence design appropriate workplaces to support this balance. For this to happen, women will have to express their opinions on this issue for everybody to hear them if they want to have it all. According to a viewpoint that becomes more and more popular, women can achieve balance by only having control over their work and being able to properly utilize their time and energy. If a woman wants to achieve positive results in both career and family, she must avoid overload, and there should not be many competing roles. Buy custom Work-Family Life essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Portrayal of vampires in cult tv Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Portrayal of vampires in cult tv - Dissertation Example End Notes Introduction Vampires have haunted the pages of history since times immemorial; in most cultures around the world, there has been a confluence of these creatures and people have created a sense of fear and associated these mythical wonders with a sense of peril. But what are they? Vampires have been described as â€Å"blood sucking ghosts or souls of dead people superstitiously believed to come from the grave and wander about by night, sucking the blood of those that sleep and thus, causing their untimely death.† (Easton, 2009). Many people correlate vampires with bats; they say that during the day bats hang asleep and at night time, they come alive in the form of these blood sucking creatures. People have instilled in themselves a sense of dread and terror because of the idea of a vampire. They have believed that these creatures should not be allowed to live. Most legends suggest killings of vampires to eradicate them from the face of the planet, because they Ã¢â‚¬Ë œdo not belong’. However, in the 21st century, today, people have come to terms with the fact that vampires do not exist (Sklar, Rachel). Most people do not believe in the supernatural and idea of immortality in this day and age of fast communication, information and technology. Even then, the idea of maybe having such creatures around and existing excites a vast amount of the population of the world. As seen with time, the most popular form of entertainment has usually been in the form of fiction or letting people think about what ‘might’ exist. Thus, much the same way, vampires have been popularised today through television, books and movies. People crave an understanding of things that have not yet been explained by scientists or do not have reason. Staying alive eternally, having super powers to carry out tasks etc are things that human beings get thrilled with because they are not able to do so. It is because of an endless thirst of curiosity that people wan t to know more and more and try and delve into the unknown. It is because of the same reason that today, people are eager to know about vampires and whether or not they do exist in real life. People often wonder, ‘what if there is a vampire amongst me and all the people I interact with?’ Scary and exciting as it may be, all this has led to the creation of very popular vampire cult television; series that depict forms of vampires, interacting with normal human beings on a daily basis, doing everything they do - and a little more. From Bram Stoker’s Dracula to Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, these immortal beings have been reflected over the years with dramatic changes in their characteristics and surroundings. In television most of the current â€Å"Vampire Series† have achieved a â€Å"cult† status. As Roberta Pearson (2010) explains â€Å"As a quick google will show, the term â€Å"cult television† flourishes beyond the confines of acade mia in the virtual world and, by implication, in the â€Å"real† world.† The word â€Å"cult† depicts a religious group that is devoted to, or even obsessive about what they believe in. The term â€Å"Cult Television† is somewhat close to this. It is a term gained for a show that has an obsessive or even extreme following; a show that might not have been appreciated when it was first broadcast and is a step away from the mainstream. â€Å"There is no single quality that characterizes a cult text; rather, cult texts are defined through a process in which shows are positioned